Jawaban dari "PERTANYAAN DILEMPIRAN Mawar: Hi, Eko. I heard that you will go to Bali next week. Eko : That's true...."

Jika anda lagi berusaha mendapatkan jawaban mengenai soal PERTANYAAN DILEMPIRAN Mawar: Hi, Eko. I heard that you will go to Bali next week. Eko : That's true...., maka sobat telah ada di halaman yang benar.

Kami mempunyai 1 cara menyelesaikan mengenai PERTANYAAN DILEMPIRAN Mawar: Hi, Eko. I heard that you will go to Bali next week. Eko : That's true..... Monggo pelajari cara mengerjakan lebih lanjut disini:


Mawar: Hi, Eko. I Heard That You Will Go To Bali Next Week.
Eko : That's True. My Family And I Will Spend Our Long Holiday There. You've Been To Bali A Couple Of Times, Right?
Mawar : I Have. It's Beautiful Place.
Eko : I See. Can You Recommend Me A Good Spot To Visit?
Mawar : If You Want A Different Experience Of Bali, You Should Visit Nusa Penida.
Eko : I Haven't Ever Heard Of The Place. Where Is That?
Mawar : It Is Located In The Southeast Part Of Bali. If You Go There, Go Check Kelingking Beach.
Eko : What Is Interesting About The Beach?
Mawar : Besides The Beauty Of The Beach, The Unique Formation Of The Hill There Looks Like A T-Rex Head.
Eko : Really? I Think I Would Like To See That.
Mawar: You Should. However, Going There Is Quite Challenging Since It Is A Secluded Area And You Have To Do A Rugged 400m Cliffside Hike. If You Want To Journey There, Prepare Your Physique Properly.
Eko : I See, What If I Don't Feel Like Hiking Once I Go There?
Mawar : Well, If You Won't Do The Hike, You Can Just Enjoy The Scenic View And Take Photos From Above. For Most People, It Is More Than Enough.
Eko : What Can I Do Once I Reach The Bottom?
Mawar: If You Reach The Bottom, You Should Play At The Beach Freely. It's Like Having A Beach For Yourself.
Eko : That Sounds Fun. I Think I Will Go There After Hearing What You've Said. Any More Tips I Should Know?
Mawar : Just Be Careful If You Want To Play At The Beach. There Are No Official Lifeguards At The Moment. Make Sure You Don't Go Too Far Into The Water. You Should Also Bring Enough Water If You Don't Want To Have Dehydration.
Eko : I See. Thanks, I'll Remember That.

mohon Bantuannya Terima Kasih​

Jawaban: #1:

If clause + imperative:

  • If you go there, go check Kelingking Beach.
  • If you want to journey there, prepare your physique properly.
  • Just be careful if you want to play at the beach.

If clause + suggestion:

  • If you want a different experience of Bali, you should visit Nusa Penida.
  • If you won't do the hike, you can just enjoy the scenic view and take photos from above.
  • If you reach the bottom, you should play at the beach freely.
  • You should also bring enough water if you don't want to have dehydration.

- Introduction:

If-clause adalah kata hubung yang dapat menghubungkan antar kalimat dan klausa untuk menyatakan suatu pengibaratan dan juga petunjuk atas kegiatan yang akan dilakukan nanti. Imperative merupakan kalimat yang memberikan petunjuk/perintah, dan suggestion merupakan kalimat yang memberikan saran untuk sebaiknya melakukan apa yang disarankan.

Imperative biasanya terdapat kata kerja perintah dan suggestion biasanya terdapat kata kerja sugesti dan kata kerja bantu should yang sebagai kunci dari suggestive sentence.

- Discussion:

Untuk mengelompokan yang mana if-clause imperative dan if-clause suggestion, perlu kita baca teksnya lalu menggarisbawahi kalimat yang ada kata if-nya.

  • Jika menemukan kata should, maka kita dapat masukkan ke dalam kelompok if-clause + suggestion.
  • Jika menemukan kata kerja imperatif, maka kita dapat masukkan ke dalam kelompok if-clause + imperative.

Berikut adalah kalimat pada teks di atas yang berupa pernyataan (bukan kalimat pertanyaan) terdapat kata if.

  • If you want a different experience of Bali, you should visit Nusa Penida. (memberikan saran jika mau pergi ke Bali untuk mengunjungi tempat itu)
  • If you go there, go check Kelingking Beach. (menyatakan perintah termasuk kalimat imperatif)
  • If you want to journey there, prepare your physique properly. (kalimat imperatif)
  • If you won't do the hike, you can just enjoy the scenic view and take photos from above. (menyatakan saran untuk kegiatan pengganti jika tidak mau mendaki)
  • Just be careful if you want to play at the beach. (menyatakan saran yang kuat (nasehat), dan ini termasuk kalimat imperatif)
  • If you reach the bottom, you should play at the beach freely. (kalimat saran)
  • You should also bring enough water if you don't want to have dehydration. (kalimat saran)

That's all I can explain. Thank you and I fully expect my answer is helpful. Keep spirited, have a nice day, and I wish you the best. Good luck!  ^^

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