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Sinopsis Film Maleficent Dalam Bahasa Inggris Dan Indonesia?

Jawaban: #1: Sinopsis Indonesia :

Maleficent (Angelina Jolie) awalnya peri wanita bersayap besar dan kuat yang sangat baik hati. Di tempat tinggalnya yang bernama Moors, Maleficent kecil (Ella Purrnell) bertemu dengan seorang anak laki-laki bernama Stefan (Micheal Higgins). Stefan tertangkap oleh warga Moors karena mencuri, namun Maleficent kecil menyelamatkannya. Stefan yang hanya seorang yatim piatu miskin rela melepaskan cincinnya hanya karena Maleficent tidak bisa menyentuh besi. Mereka pun bersahabat, dan akhirnya menjadi sering bertemu. Sehingga, lama-kelamaan persahabatan mereka berubah menjadi cinta.

Maleficent meyakini bahwa ciuman Stefan adalah "True Love Kiss"-nya. Namun seiring berjalannya waktu, Stefan (Toby Regbo) mulai jarang menemui Maleficent untuk mengejar mimpinya ke istana. Maleficent pun merasa sedih telah ditinggalkan Stefan.

Suatu hari Moors diserang oleh Raja dan pasukannya untuk menguasai Moors. Maleficent berhasil menyingkirkan mereka karena kekuatan sayapnya dan penghuni Moors. Akan tetapi, Raja sangat dendam padanya. Raja akan memberikan tahtanya kepada siapa pun yang berhasil membunuh Maleficent.

Stefan yang memimpikan menjadi Raja berniat untuk membunuh Maleficent. Ia segera menemui Maleficent dari sekian lama mereka tak bertemu. Namun, Maleficent terlalu percaya pada Stefan sehingga ia terjebak. Stefan pun memberi obat tidur kepada Maleficent, kemudian bersiap membunuhnya. Tetapi, karena Stefan tak tega, ia hanya memotong sayap Maleficent dan membawanya ke istana. Maleficent sangat kecewa dan marah sehingga menjadi pemurung.

Suatu kali, Maleficent menyelamatkan seekor burung gagak yang hampir dibunuh. Burung bernama Diaval (Sam Riley) itu mengabdikan dirinya pada Maleficent karena berhutang budi. Diaval memberikan informasi kepada Maleficent bahwa Stefan sudah menjadi raja dan menikah, lalu telah dikaruniai bayi perempuan bernama Aurora (Vivienne Jolie-Pitt). Stefan akan mengadakan pesta dan pembaptisan puterinya tersebut. Peri-peri dan rakyatnyapun datang untuk memberikan hadiah pada Aurora. Namun, Maleficent yang tak diundang sekaligus masih menyimpan dendampun makin naik pitam. Ia menghadiri acara itu untuk memberikan kutukan kepada Aurora meski Stefan sudah memohon padanya. Tetapi, dendam yang disimpan di hatinya begitu besar sehingga telah merubahnya menjadi Peri yang sangat jahat.

Aurora dikutuk akan tertusuk jarum pemintal dan akan tertidur selamanya seperti orang mati pada saat matahari terbenam di ultahnya yang ke-16. Akan tetapi dalam kutukannya Maleficent menyebutkan tidak ada kekuatan apapun di bumi yang dapat mematahkan kutukan itu kecuali ciuman cinta sejati. Maleficent sangat yakin bahwa ciuman cinta sejati tidak akan pernah ada.

Karena kalut Aurora akan terkena kutukan, Stefan memerintahkan negerinya untuk mengumpulkan semua jarum pemintal dan membakarnya disebuah ruang bawah tanah istana. Sedangkan Aurora telah di pindahkan ke sebuah gubuk di hutan terpencil dengan dijaga oleh 3 peri (Imelda Staunton, Juno Temple) agar terlindung dari jarum pemintal.

Aurora (Elle Fanning) pun tumbuh besar menjadi gadis yang sangat cantik dan tetap diawasi oleh Maleficent. Pada saat berumur 16 tahun, Aurora bertemu Maleficent secara langsung dan percaya bahwa Maleficent adalah Ibu Peri Pelindung-nya. Maleficent pun luluh dan mulai menyayangi Aurora seperti anaknya sendiri. Ia sungguh menyesal karena telah memberi kutukan pada Aurora.

Seiring waktu berjalan, Aurora akhirnya tahu bahwa ia telah diberi kutukan oleh Maleficent. Aurora sangat kecewa dan memutuskan untuk kembali kepada ayahnya di istana. Saat kepulangannya, tiba-tiba ayahnya, Raja Stefan langsung mengurung Aurora dalam menara agar dia lebih aman. Akan tetapi kutukan itu tetap terjadi, dan malamnya Aurora terhipnotis untuk mengunjungi ruang bawah tanah istana dan menyentuh jarum pemintal. Aurora pun tertidur.

Jawaban: #2: Maleficent, a powerful fairy, lives in the Moors, a magical forest realm bordering a corrupt human kingdom. As a young girl, she meets and falls in love with a human peasant boy named Stefan, whose love for Maleficent is overshadowed by his ambition to become king. As they grow older, the two grow apart, and she becomes protector of the Moors. When King Henry tries to conquer the Moors, a grown Maleficent forces him to retreat. Fatally wounded in battle, he declares that whoever kills Maleficent will be named his successor and marry his daughter Leila. In response, the grown Stefan visits Maleficent in the Moors, where he drugs her but cannot bring himself to kill her. Instead he cuts off her wings off with iron - a lethal substance to fairies - and presents them to the king as evidence of her death. Maleficent awakens to find herself wingless. Anguished by Stefan's betrayal, she declares herself Queen of the Moors, forming a dark kingdom with Diaval, a raven whom she gives a human form to serve as her confidant.

Sometime later, Diaval informs Maleficent that Stefan, who is now king, is hosting a christening for his newborn daughter, Aurora. Bent on revenge, Maleficent arrives uninvited and curses the infant princess: on her 16th birthday, she will prick her finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel, putting her into a deep sleep from which she will never awaken. When Stefan begs for mercy, Maleficent offers an antidote: The curse can be broken by true love's kiss. Stefan sends Aurora to live with a trio of pixies until the day after her 16th birthday, while he destroys all the spinning wheels in the kingdom and hides them in the castle dungeon. He sends his armies to find and kill Maleficent, but she surrounds the Moors with an impenetrable wall of thorns.

Despite her initial dislike for Aurora, Maleficent begins to care for the girl when the incompetent pixies inadvertently put her in danger. After a brief meeting with the young Aurora, Maleficent watches over her from afar. When Aurora is 15, she encounters Maleficent and, aware of being watched over, calls her her "fairy godmother". Realizing she has grown fond of the princess, Maleficent attempts to revoke the curse, but she cannot. Aurora later meets Prince Philip, and the two are smitten with each other. On the day before Aurora's 16th birthday, Maleficent, hoping to avoid the curse, allows her to move to the Moors. When the pixies inadvertently tell Aurora of her parentage and of Maleficent's true identity, a furious Aurora runs away to her father's castle.

Meanwhile King Stefan, mad with paranoia, sits in his castle talking to Maleficent's wings, and even refuses to see Queen Leila on her deathbed.

After a brief reunion with Aurora, Stefan locks her away in her room for safety. However, she is drawn by the curse to the dungeon, where a spinning wheel pricks her finger and she falls into a sleep-like death. Intent on saving her, Maleficent abducts Phillip and infiltrates Stefan's castle to have him kiss Aurora and break the curse, but Philip's kiss fails. Maleficent apologizes to Aurora and swears no harm will come to her, kissing her forehead and breaking the spell, Maleficent's motherly concern for Aurora constituting true love. Aurora forgives Maleficent and they attempt to leave the castle, but Maleficent is trapped in an iron net and attacked by Stefan and his guards. Maleficent transforms Diaval into a dragon, and he lifts the net off her, but is driven back by the guards. Stefan beats and taunt Maleficent, but before he can kill her, her wings, freed from his chamber by Aurora, fly back to her and reattach themselves. Maleficent overpowers Stefan and carries him onto a tower, but cannot bring herself to kill him. Stefan attempts once more to kill her but they both plummet off the tower. Maleficent eventually breaks away, allowing Stefan to fall to his death.

Soon after, Aurora is crowned queen of the human and fairy realms by Maleficent, unifying the two kingdoms, with Phillip at her side. Maleficent returns to her role as protector over the kingdoms.

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