Jawaban dari "buat kids story apa aja"

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Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pembelajaran dengan cara mencari cara menyelesaikannya bisa meningkatkan nilai pada mata pelajaran.

Kami mempunyai 2 cara menyelesaikan dari buat kids story apa aja. OK langsung saja lihat cara menyelesaikan selanjutnya di bawah ini:

Buat Kids Story Apa Aja

Jawaban: #1: Once upon a time, a man and his wife had the good fortune to have a goose which laid a golden egg every day. Lucky though they were, they soon began to think they were not getting rich fast enough.

They imagined that if the bird is able to lay golden eggs, its insides must be made of gold. And they thought that if they could get all that precious metal at once, they would get mighty rich very soon. So the man and his wife decided to kill the bird.

However, upon cutting the goose open, they were shocked to find that its innards were like that of any other goose!

Jawaban: #2: Once upon a time,there is a child who loves Santa very much. The child is overjoyed everytime Christmas came around and couldn't sleep before the big day.But everytime the Child is waiting for Santa, Santa didn't come and the Child ended up sleeping very late in the night.

The next year comes,and christmas is just around the corner. This time the child is determined, the child made a Santa sock so big that the child could hid inside it, so it doesn't matter if the Child slept.

The Child woke up by a cold breeze, looked around and realized that they are in the sky! The child is scared but excited at the same time because the child sees a familiar figure in front if them. A large man donning a red coat with white scarf, It's obvious who it was.

The child hurriedly get out of the sock and bump Santa on the back. The Santa was mildly shocked by the sight of a child on his sleigh, but he knows that something weird is in the sock that big, He thought it was a big cookie.

Santa said to the child that he is impressed with the child's creativity and braveness, and said that he will give the child a very special gift if the child didn't tell anyone about this magical encounter.The child agreed and gave Santa one last big hug before Santa drove his sleigh back to the child's home.

It is now Christmas morning. The child woke up in the bed, trying to recall if the encounter with the Santa was just a dream or not. When the child goes downstairs to greet their family, the child is surprised with the condition of the child's house. New Christmas tree fully decorated, mountains of wrapped gifts, and snow everywhere outside. That was the child's best Christmas,"Santa is real afterall" said the child.

The End. Brad Pitt exits LAX with daughter Zahara - Growing Your Baby

Zahara exits. Brad pitt exits lax with daughter zahara

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