Jawaban dari "Fill in the blanks using the Simple Past (Sam saw a movie yesterday) or the Present Perfect (Sam has..."

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Halaman ini ada 1 cara menyelesaikan mengenai Fill in the blanks using the Simple Past (Sam saw a movie yesterday) or the Present Perfect (Sam has.... OK langsung saja lihat jawaban selengkapnya di bawah ini:

Fill In The Blanks Using The Simple Past (Sam saw a Movie Yesterday) Or The Present Perfect (Sam has Seen that Movie Once).

1. Those Three Kids ....... outside Without An Adult. (never/go)

2. My Younger Brother ...... (be) Really Annoying When He ...... a Child. (be)

3. Susan's Favourite Sport ..... (be) Tennis; Then She ..... ping Pong. (discover)

4. I ....... to Visit China. (always/want)

5. There ...... a Lot Of Car Accidents At That Intersection Last Winter. (be)

6. I Live In Munich Now. I ...... there For Two Years. (be)

7. Last Night There ........ a Really Funny Show On TV. (be)

8. Steve ..... (get) A Car When He ..... sixteen. (turn)

9. I ....... (play) Soccer Since I ...... five. (be)

10. He ....... a Full-time Job. (never/have)​

Jawaban: #1:


  1. Those three kids have never gone outside without an adult.
  2. My younger brother was really annoying when he was a child.
  3. Susan's favorite sport was tennis, then she discovered ping pong.
  4. I have always wanted to visit China.
  5. There were a lot of accidents at that intersection last winter.
  6. I live in munich now. I have been there for two years.
  7. Last night there were a really funny show on TV.
  8. Steve has got a car when he turned sixteen.
  9. I have played soccer since I was five.
  10. He has never had a full-time job.
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