Jawaban dari "Rubah lah kalimat aktif menjadi kalimat pasif.Dan tentukan tense sesuai rumus passive voice 6.Santia..."

Bila sobat mau berusaha menemukan cara menjawab dari soal Rubah lah kalimat aktif menjadi kalimat pasif.Dan tentukan tense sesuai rumus passive voice 6.Santia..., maka teman-teman sudah berada di tempat yang tepat.

Website ini punya 1 cara menjawab dari Rubah lah kalimat aktif menjadi kalimat pasif.Dan tentukan tense sesuai rumus passive voice 6.Santia.... Silakan pelajari jawaban lebih lanjut disini:

Rubah Lah Kalimat Aktif Menjadi Kalimat Pasif.Dan Tentukan Tense Sesuai Rumus Passive Voice 6.Santiago And Renata Will Rent A Limousine For Their From 8.Lala Can Find The Hidden Files In The Computer Easily 10.Sudonon Will Be Deliverying The Package Tomorrow At 9n A,m 12.David Should Decide The Winner Of The Contest To Night 14.Mrs. Yosiruns The Shop Every Weenkend 16.He Was Saving His Money In The Bank 18.Riki Hid The Food Under The Table Last Night 20.Manchester United Will Defeat Arsenal F.C On Final Mohon Bantuan Nya Kakak

Jawaban: #1:

6. a limousine will be rented by Santiago n renata (simple future)

8. the hidden files can be found in the computer easily by lala (simple future)

10. the package will be being delivered by sudonon (future continuous)

12. The winner of the contest should be decided by David (simple future)

16. Money was being saved by him in the bank

(past continuous)

18. the food were hidden by riki under the table last night (simple past)

20. arsenal fc will be defeated by MU on final (simple future)

Arsenal Football Club – Chapman House – Scottish Design Awards 2019

Arsenal football club – chapman house – scottish design awards 2019. Chapman tottenham scottishdesignawards

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