Jawaban dari "Plissss para miss miss yang di brainly"

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Kami ada 1 cara menyelesaikan atas Plissss para miss miss yang di brainly. Silakan lihat cara menyelesaikan selengkapnya di bawah:

Plissss Para Miss Miss Yang Di Brainly

Jawaban: #1:



1. at three o'clock in the afternoon

2. in the big field beside his house

3. they divide themselves into two groups

4. damar makes a hold to put a wood

5. -the first group consists of damar,arya and haikal  

  -the second group consists of rama fatir and dandi

6. firstly, damar makes a hole to put a wood. his group is the first group to start playing. they are ready to hit the wood while the second group is ready to catch it. secondly, one of the first group members takes and hits the wood from a hole too high. then, the second group attempts to catch the wood because they will win if they can catch the wood. lastly, the second group gets the wood. so, they win and change the position as beater ato hit the next round

7. damar and his friend are really happy to play tak kadal lobang game

8. they play tak kadal lobang game in forty five minutes

9. they finish the game at quarter to five

10. damar ask his friends to play it again on the weekend

Miss Supranational Namibia 2019 - Miss Supranational - Official Website

Namibia miss supranational yana. Miss supranational namibia 2019

Bagaimana? Sudah dapat jawabannya kan? Diharapkan jawaban tadi bisa mempercepat penyelesaian PR anda.

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