Jawaban dari "Change the following active sentences into passive voice! 1. Nuri pours some salt into the soup. 2...."

Apa sobat suka diberi pertanyaan sama guru? Tapi teman-teman kebingungan untuk menyelesaikannya? Sebetulnya ada banyak cara untuk menyelesaikan pekerjaan rumah tsb, termasuk dengan cara bertanya pada orang tua, selain itu mendapatkan cara mengerjakan di situs online bisa jadi trik yang baik saat ini.

Website ini punya 1 jawaban atas Change the following active sentences into passive voice! 1. Nuri pours some salt into the soup. 2..... OK langsung saja lihat cara mengerjakan selanjutnya di bawah ini:

Change The Following Active Sentences Into Passive Voice!

1. Nuri Pours Some Salt Into The Soup.

2. A Buffalo Has Pulled The Cart For 6 Miles.

3. He Was Saving His Money In The Bank.

4. Manchester United Will Defeat Arsenal F.C. On Final.

5. They Bought An Apartment Near The Beach.​

Jawaban: #1:


Nuri pours some salt into the soup.

The soup was poured some salt by Nuri.


A buffalo has pulled the cart for 6 miles.

The cart was pulled by a buffalo for 6 miles.


He was his saving money in the bank.

Money was saved by him in the bank.


Manchester United will defeat Arsenal F.C on final

Arsenal F.C will be defeated by Manchester United on final.


They bought an apartment near the beach.

An apartment near the beach was bought by them.

Arsenal Football Club – Chapman House – Scottish Design Awards 2019

Arsenal football club – chapman house – scottish design awards 2019. Chapman tottenham scottishdesignawards

Itulah cara menjawab mengenai pekerjaan rumah di atas yang dapat kami berikan, semoga dapat bermanfaat!

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